I've been a writer since I was old enough to string together sentences. I carried dozens of books home from the library and spent much of my childhood in the world between pages. I wrote my first query letter when I was in elementary school, which received a kind rejection, but I never gave up on the power of magic words.

Words have taken me far. I've published poetry, academic articles, study guides to classic literature, and my very own middle grade novel, with a second on the way. I've been an editor for numerous journals, too. I also earned a PhD in English. In fact, I consider myself a Doctor of Words & Wonder! And guess what? I taught college composition and creative writing for 13 years. That's over 4,000 students!

When I'm not writing, I'm hanging out with my husband and daughter, visiting schools, or dreaming up big ideas. I am thrilled to be represented by Full Circle Literary.