I've been a writer since I was old enough to string together sentences. I wrote my first query letter when I was in elementary school, which received a kind rejection, but I never gave up on the power of magic words. 

Words have taken me far. I've published poetry, short stories, academic articles, and study guides to classic literature. I was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. 

I've been an editor for numerous academic and literary journals, too. I also earned an MA in Creative Writing and a PhD in English Literature from the University of Texas at Austin. In fact, I consider myself a Doctor of Words & Wonder!

Know what else? As a professor, I taught college composition and creative writing for 13 years. That's over 4,000 students! 

Icing on the cake: my very own middle grade novel, Between the Lighthouse and You, came out in 2022. My second, A Way to Your Heart, arrives in 2026. 

When I'm not writing, I'm hanging out with my husband and daughter, dreaming up travel plans and big ideas. I am thrilled to be represented by Full Circle Literary.